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Disposal of specialty chemicals


Managing waste chemicals

Managing waste chemicals with REMONDIS Industrie Service

Managing waste chemicals involves a number of tasks including using environmentally compatible systems to treat and process a whole range of hazardous substances. These may involve solid, semi-solid and dusty specialty chemicals as well as lye and acids. These dangerous substances can be found, for example, in paint sludge, old putty and adhesives, resin powders and activated carbon that may have been stored as loose bulk material or in big bags, drums, IBCs, buckets and ASP containers. What’s more, we also accept gas cylinders and other partially full and empty pressurised containers. We are able to offer you a full range of competent services for storing, transporting, treating and disposing of chemicals – all of which we deliver ourselves. And we not only serve firms operating in the chemicals industry but many other customers as well, such as commercial firms, local authorities, laboratories, industrial companies and universities.

We manage waste chemicals in line with all environmental protection and chemical safety rules and regulations. Get in touch with us

The benefits of our certified chemical waste services

Disposal of hydrogen fluoride

We are the only company across Europe able to dispose of hydrogen fluoride stored in pressurised gas cylinders. At the end of the process, the empty cylinders are sent on to metal recyclers.

Experts for metal organic compounds

We are able to treat metal organic compounds in a glove box in an inert atmosphere.

A wide range of salvage packaging

We have the right storage system for all types of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Including IBCs and pressurised salvage containers for transporting bins or containers holding up to 1,000 litres.

The highest safety standards

The long retention time in our incineration plant guarantees that phosphides and carbides are also made safe.

Full range of services

We deliver all the services needed – from drawing up all waste management and transport documents, to collecting the materials from our customers’ (including all packaging), to disposing of them correctly.

Silo for powdery waste materials

Using our big bag and drum discharge station, we are able to safely transfer powdery waste materials into a silo made inert with nitrogen.

The systematic way to manage waste chemicals

Our wide-ranging portfolio ensures that you don’t need to worry about your hazardous waste, no matter how dangerous, reactive and/or toxic it may be. We believe it is important to deliver the same high quality at all times and to be flexible so we can master whatever waste management challenge we find ourselves facing. Which makes us the company to turn to when completely new kinds of substances and waste need to be disposed of. What’s more, being part of the REMONDIS Group, we are not only able to dispose of hazardous chemical substances but also to offer recycling solutions for non-hazardous waste.

We dispose of chemical substances produced by industrial firms and laboratories

  • Spontaneously combustible substances
  • Toxic, liquid, flammable substances
  • Toxic, solid or liquid substances
  • Substances that react with water
  • Gases
  • Acid halides
  • Oxidising agents
  • Waste which must be reported/for which proof must be furnished in acc. with 'GüG' [Precursors Control Act] and 'BtMG' [Narcotics Act]

“We dispose of all types and qualities of chemicals produced by industry and laboratories no matter what container they may be stored in – and always in a professional and environmentally compatible way.”

Magnus, trainee

Managing waste chemicals: ADR-compliant transport

Bespoke transport services: our logistics for handling chemicals

Safe transport covers all areas – from the customers’ premises all the way through to the treatment plant. And it should ensure that you have as little work as possible and is completed as quickly as possible. Our chemical experts identify, evaluate and sort the materials on site at our customers’ and make sure ADR-compliant packaging is used. Specialist packaging is deployed wherever necessary, for example pressurised salvage containers to transport damaged gas cylinders. The goal of our transport service is to take the waste with us immediately whenever this is possible – including handling the waste declaration forms, drawing up the transport documents and transferring the materials into approved specialist containers.

Making the very most of chemical waste

Material-specific treatment of waste chemicals

Thanks to our chemical-physical treatment facilities, we are always able to process liquid and solid chemicals according to their material composition using environmentally compatible systems. What’s more, we also have gas scrubbers and fixed-bed adsorbers to neutralise the gases. Our goal here is not simply to make these substances safe but to go much further and decontaminate recyclable materials so that they can be reused. Which is why we have, for example, systems dedicated to washing and cleaning storage containers. These enable drums, devices and gas cylinders to be sent on for recycling. Just one example of many of how we live up to the REMONDIS Group’s sustainability mission despite us dealing with so many materials that need to be disposed of.

More than just disposing of materials: we use recyclable chemicals to produce high quality refuse-derived fuels

Direct incineration in line with specific key parameters

On the safe side with direct incineration

We operate highly efficient direct incineration systems at our plants for containers that have particularly problematic contents. This ensures that they can be disposed of without the environment or people being put at risk. Our plant has a variety of systems for receiving and accepting waste materials so that all types of containers and their contents can be sent straight on for incineration. These range from hose lines that can be connected to pressurised containers and IBCs all the way through to our special system for small drums containing highly reactive and toxic substances.

Safely storing and transporting gas cylinders

Handling gas cylinders safely

Gas cylinders and other pressurised containers pose a very real risk. And the risk becomes even greater if it is not known what the residue or the exact contents of the cylinder are. And so our service begins with carrying out an analysis on site at our customers’ and continues with us collecting and declaring the materials, to transporting and disposing of them. We travel quickly to our customers’ premises equipped with all the specialist containers that may be required and ensure that their materials are taken safely to our treatment plants – no matter whether the gas cylinders contain hydrogen fluoride, butane, propane or some other type of gas.

As per the German Federal Waste Catalogue Ordinance, cylinders containing hazardous gases must be assigned the waste code 160504* and must be transported and treated using specialist systems

Kooperation Verband der chemischen Industrie

We are a partner of the VCI - Optimised waste disposal for the chemical industry

The range of waste from the chemical industry is enormous. From now on, member companies of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) will benefit from REMONDIS Industrie Service's expertise. From oil-based mixtures to solvents and paint sludge, we are a reliable partner to collect, transport and recycle their hazadouse waste. The cooperation offers customised solutions and sustainable added value to companies from the chemical industry. As a VCI partner, we meet specific industry requirements and set new standards. Find out more about our cooperation with the VCI.  

We’re there for you whenever you need a safe disposal route for your chemicals. Get in touch to find out more

Address and contact details

REMONDIS Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG
Brunnenstraße 138
44536 Lünen
F +49 2306 106686

REMONDIS Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG